Saturday, September 27, 2014

From the mouth of babes

My daughter and I always have daily discussions when I pick her up from school. The other day we were stopped at a red light and she says, “Mom, look at that woman’s HUGE belly.” I asked her to repeat what she said hoping I had misheard her, but no, I had heard what she said loud and clear.

Explaining to a four year old that it’s not nice to say things that will hurt people’s feelings isn’t as easy as it sounds. Just last week she told me how gross my belly looks and that she doesn’t like it. Well, kid, you’re the one that made it that way so tough cookies. I found out later that she isn’t so grossed out by my loose skin as she is by all the lines (AKA stretch marks.) The first time she said something about my stomach I just walked off. It’s the part of my body that I struggle with the most because there’s just nothing I can do to change it-(not the lines-the looseness.) My husband was the one to give her the talk this time, but kids are just so honest. At least at this age.

While we sat at that red light and looked at the woman who was on a walk with who I assume was her husband, I explained to my daughter that some people are just bigger than others. Some people make different choices when eating and not everyone exercises regularly. I continued to share that the woman was on a walk so perhaps she’s working on getting healthier. 

How do you help your kids understand this concept? We aren't all on the same page when it comes to health and fitness and mostly that we are all different, but that's what makes us special? 

Friday, September 26, 2014

Hot for Halloween

Are you tired of having to shop for the plus size halloween costumes? I sure was. The selection was limited, the sizes seemed so off-really? Plus size? I never felt like I looked like the heavier girls in the pictures. Looking back now I definitely needed the bigger sizes, but I think we never really see ourselves clearly. It's only in pictures that we see ourselves in with others eyes. 

When you look at the options available, they are getting smaller and smaller and I was getting bigger and bigger. I wasn't trying to look sexy. Wasn't Halloween the one time we were all on the same playing field dressing with grotesque make-up and ragged clothes? Halloween is no longer for zombies and monsters. It's time to bring out your inner sex goddess and, although, many woman embrace their size and curves, mine were more like rolls and not attractive at all. 

I'm thankful now that I can go into the Halloween season not worried about what I can wear. It's all about fun and feeling good about yourself. Join me in the last five weeks before Halloween and let's shape up so we can rock any outfit we choose! Comment here or send me a message! 

What are your plans for a costume this year?

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

PiYo Results and Review

PiYo is another Beachbody program that I have completed and I feel pretty darn good about the results. I had a few trips during this time and I will admit first thing that I was horrible with my eating. I'm an emotional eater and was going through a lot this summer, but I finished and I am happy with my results. Inches lost around the waist, perkier boobs, and Becky, look at that butt!! Yes, I said it. I'm proud of my progress back there! My booty has needed some major work since losing weight and PiYo has lifted it back up and given it some shape. It's still got a ways to go before I'll be completely satisfied, but I know with continued workouts, I'll get it to where I want it. 

During the 2 months with PiYo, I ate more than my share of cupcakes and chocolate. I was stressed from moving, helping my aunt move and a shoulder injury that happened earlier this year and wasn't getting any better. Fortunately, I got a steroid injection and so far, the pain has subsided. I'm an emotional eater and you can tell when I'm having good days and bad. I'm working on not giving into my emotions and feeding them with food. It's all mental for me. I'm in a good place right now and I'm committing to myself. 

The meal plan with PiYo is very open. It's very similar to the 21 Day Fix, just without the containers. You are given a certain amount of each food group to eat each day and a list of suggestions. There aren't really any recipes, so if you struggle with putting meals together, you'll definitely want to reach out to your coach and probably invest in the weekly meal planner with club membership from Team Beachbody. 

I really enjoy coming up with new ideas and am horrible at meal planning myself. The kitchen is my favorite part of the house though, so I'm good at winging it and flying by the seat of my pants. If this isn't your strong suit, I suggest trying club membership because you can use the meal planner and it will tell you exactly what to eat for every meal. Some people love that! 

The most important thing to remember when doing any workout is to do the best that you can do. Give it your all and you will see results, no matter what it is. 

When it comes to the workouts in PiYo, the first month is easy. The workouts are short and not too intense. Once you get into month two, your body will hurt. The workouts are closer to 45 minutes than 30 and they are going to make your muscles burn-no weights required! Get used to it! I suggest having some Results and Recovery ready for the days you do Drench, Sculpt and Buns. Wowo!! Chalene is not messing around. 

If you have any questions about this program, please let me know! I'm happy to help you decide if it's the program for you. 


Saturday, September 20, 2014

5 Food Tips for Weight Loss

1. Start using My Fitness Pal. It's a free app that helps you really see what you're eating. Find me on there. I'm bemoore.

2. Look at portions-have you ever paid attention to what a serving size of cereal is? Pretty tiny.

3. Eat 5 times a day-doesn't have to be a full meal, but a snack is good to tide you over and not make you devour everything in sight once you realize you haven't eaten since breakfast and it's 6pm.

4. If you're drinking soda, stop-especially if it's diet.

5. Put down your utensils between bites. This will help you eat slower.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

The trouble with yoga pants

The illustrious camel toe*. It can plague us all. My question-why don’t the manufacturer’s put that little triangle patch of material at the front of the pants?? Instead, they make a nice little line sewing the legs together right where it is most unflattering for any woman. Plus, when you workout, that little thread running right up the middle of your crotch is in a most unpleasant area. If you move the wrong way… 

 Need I say more? 

*Camel toe: A vaginal wedgie most commonly caused by tight pants that work their way into the crevices of the vagina.